Glendora Fragua
Jemez Pueblo

Turtle Emergence

5.25" H x 3" D

Price: $950.00


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Glendora Fragua is a member of the Corn Clan from the Jemez Pueblo. She was born in September of 1958. She began the art of working with natural clays and slips in 1976.

She is the daughter of well known Jemez potter Juanita Fragua and her siblings are potter BJ Fragua and sculptor Clifford Fragua.

She was taught all the fundamentals of constructing pottery vessels the ancient traditional way of hand coiling, pinching, and firing outdoors by members of the Jemez Pueblo which have been passed down from generation to generation.

Glendora continues to use all naturals pigments and slips to construct her masterpieces. She specializes in hand coiled sgraffito vessels. She gathers all her clumps of clay and other natural plants and vegetation from within the Jemez Pueblo.

Once, she has gathered all of her materials she breaks down the clumps of clay into a fine powder form and hand mixes with water and other natural minerals to a fine medium and begins to construct her vessels by using the ancient method of hand coiled and hand pinching the clay.

When the vessels are constructed she sets them out to dry and when they are dried she hand sands her pieces to give them a smooth finish. Then, she begins to hand carve lizards, turtles, feathers, kiva steps, flowers, butterflies, corn stalks, and geometric designs.

She fires her pieces and then accents her vessels with authentic turquoise or coral stones. She is a highly respected artist at the top of the ladder among the Jemez artists and collectors around the world. She signs her pottery as: A Cornstalk to denote her clan origin.

She is perhaps the finest creator of Jemez sgraffito-style pottery. Her work is continuously evolving and improving.

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-Southern Pueblo Pottery 2,000 Artist Biographies

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